ECCS № 0000

The Heart of Everybody Church

Jan 25, 2019

by Stan Mitchell | Conversation Starters

Hosts & Guests

Stan Mitchell

Ray Waters

Other Conversations

ECCS № 12 | When We Fall Apart

ECCS № 12 | When We Fall Apart

ECCS № 00012 When We Fall ApartWe find Mary three times at the feet of Jesus. The first time at the feet of Jesus, she's learning. The Third time, she's worshiping. The second time is the most relatable, though. Her brother was dead, Jesus hadn't shown up to heal him....

ECCS № 11 | An Act of Love

ECCS № 11 | An Act of Love

ECCS № 00011 An Act of LoveThe women who were the first to experience the resurrection, weren't going as an act of faith. They were going to the tomb to care for the slain body of a friend. They weren't expecting a miracle. It was a simple act of love.Hosts &...